Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Writing an essay

Essay sample:

I want to share my own ideas about Ulaanbaatar where I live in last three years. Ulaanbaatar is the land of ancient history and the biggest city in Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar is the heart of Mongolia where one million people live. It is a developing city that attracts people with its social, science and technical development as well as cheap living condition.
            First of all, the social development includes educational and technical GROWTH. About technical growth, there can be considered information technologydevelopment furthermore there is good local area network. So, technical science development influence can make life simpler and to simplify labor condition. It helps us to save time and create more leisure time. Educational system in Ulaanbaatar has a lot of universities where you can find any professions you want to learn. Having a lot of universities can provide educational usage for all people.
After that, nevertheless there are many problems in UB, for instance, living condition. I think, living condition in here, is sometimes so complicated. There is much air andwater pollution and traffic jam. Because of air and water pollution there could be much health problems. In addition, due to traffic jam people are so stressed and there are more accidents everyday.
            Finally, here are my own opinions about Ulaanbaatar. In my view, UB is an interesting and powerful city to live where I can take my powerful motivation for studying. UB is full of creative young people also I’m trying to join them, too. My life’s winter, fall, spring and summer funny and sad days are continuing here. It is my second hometown where I get used to live in.  
            All in all, people can acquire technical development, more opportunities for increasing their lives in UB. Now, I live in this place I’m sure where I can go ahead by myself. However, here is variety of life styles I could find out myonly one, so just I love Ulaanbaatar like my hometown. 


Monday, September 28, 2015

QA21-30: Write naturally !

QA21. What do you know about desktop publishing?
QA22. What skills are needed in publishing?
QA23. What is 3D printing?
QA24. What is video conferencing?
QA25. What can video conferencing be used for?
QA26. What do you buy online?
QA27. How does online shopping help businesses? 
QA28. What is e-commerce? 
QA29. How do you learn new vocabulary
QA30. What do you want to do to learn to speak English very well?  

Thursday, September 24, 2015

WMM - 9/XI

1.   Present Simple; Past Simple "used to"
2.   Modals
3.   Future: "will+V"; " to be going to +V"; Present Continuous for Future
4.   Passive: Past Passive; Present Perfect Passive
5.   Prepositions of location and time
6.   Warnings ; Instructions
7.   Present Perfect vs Past Simple
8.   Connecting words (neither / nor / both ....)
9.   Past Perfect; Past Continuous
10. Conditionals: 0, 1, 2, 3
11. Cause and Result;  Gerund / Infinitives (V+V+ing; V+to+V;  V+O+V)
12. Phrasal verbs (switch of, sort out ....)
13. Linking sentences: because, although, however ....
14. Relative clause (who/which/that...)
15. Time clause (when/while....)

Та нарын саналаар түрүүлсэн 3-5 нь CD дээр бичиж хураалгаж сургуулийн тэмцээнд орно 
1. B1U1  - Саранчимэг, Хонгорзул  (Present Simple VS Past Simple "used to")
2. B1U2  - Наранбаатар, Отгончулуу  (Future tenses)
3. B1U3  - Урангоо, Гүнсэнпил (Modals)
4. B1U4  - Цэцгээ, Бямбаханд  (Passive)
5. B1U5  - Д.Цэнд-Аюуш, Мөнхжаргал  (Prepositions of location and time)
6. B1U6  - Батдагина, Дашдорж  (Phrasal verbs)
7. B1U7  - С.Ариунболд, Батсайхан,
8. B1U8  - Отгонбаяр, Золзаяа
9. B1U9  - Гариг, Дамдиндорж
10.B1U10- Баярбат, Гантуул
11.B1U11- Цэдэндамба, Жигжид
12.B1U12- Далайсүлд, Батмөнх

13.B2U1 - Сумаадагва, Б.Цэнд-Аюуш  (time clause)
14.B2U2 - Гантуяа, Баярчимэг    (relative clause)
15.B2U3 - Д.Мэндбаяр, Халиунаа  (linking words)
16.B2U4 - Лхагвачулуун, Ганбаяр (phrasal verbs)
17.B2U5 - Хулан, Цогзолмаа  (cause and result clause)
18.B2U6 - Пүрэв-Очир, Батчимэг  (gerund and infinitives)
19.B2U7 - Мөнхзул, Янжинлхам  (conditionals 0, 1)
20.B2U8 - Буяннэмэх, Ганзул   (Conditionals 3,4)
21.B1U3 - Ёндоншарав  (future tenses)
22.B3U11-Мягмар, Лхагва-Очир (past tenses)
22.B1U13-Гантулга, Төгөлдөр   (present tenses)

24.B2U9  - Даваадулам, Оюунбаяр 
25.B2U10- Х.Уянга, Нямсамбуу
26.B2U11- Пагамзаяа, Ариунбуян
27.B2U12- Амгалан, Түмэнжаргалан
28.B3U1 -  Пүрэвбат, Хүдэрбаатар
29.B3U2 -  Хайрат, Агваанхайдав
30.B3U3 -  Баатархүү, Буянбадрах
31.B3U4 - Уранчимэг, Амбасэлмаа
32.B3U5 - Э.Төрмөнх, Б.Баасансүрэн
33.B1U14-Ч.Уянга, Амгаланзаяа
35.B3U11-Энхцогт,  Мягмарсүрэн

36.B3U6 - Сувдаа, Басанбаяр
37.B3U7 - Билгүүн, Харцага
B3U8 - Нямгэрэл, Х.Мөнхтөр
B3U9 - Урангэрэл, Шийрэв
B3U10-Цогтбуян, Долгормаа 
B3U11-Бат-Эрдэнэ, Намуулин
B3U12-Ган-Эрдэнэ, Гаукар 
B1U13-Ариунзул, Алтантуяа
B1U14-Дондог, Мэндбаяр 
B1U15-Ихмөрөн, Чингэл

B1U15 - Түвшинтулга, Галбадрах 

B2U13 - Дөлгөөн, Санчир
B2U14 - Х.Төрмөнх, Лхагвадорж
B2U15 - Балжинням, Даваасүрэн
B3U13 - Н.Ариунболд, Дэлгэрбат
B3U14 - Эрболд, Цэнд-Очир
B3U15 - Бямба-Очир, Дашдулам
B1U13 - Айжан, Дуламсүрэн
B1U14 - Бат-Оргил, Сумьяабат
B1U15 - Б.Баасансүрэн, Сосорбарам 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Outline for a Five-Paragraph Essay

Title: ____________________
  1. Introduction
    1. Introductory statement
    2. Thesis statement: ____________________
  1. Body
    1. First Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ____________________
      1. ____________________
      2. ____________________
      3. ____________________
    2. Second Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ____________________
      1. ____________________
      2. ____________________
      3. ____________________
    1. Third Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ____________________
      1. ____________________
      2. ____________________
      3. ____________________
  1. Conclusion
    1. Closing statement
    2. Restate thesis: ____________________

Sample Outline for a Five-Paragraph Essay

This is in relation to "The Hazards of Movie going"

Title: The Hazards of Moviegoing
  1. Introduction
    1. Introductory statement
    2. Thesis statement: I like watching movies but I prefer watching them at home.
  1. Body
    1. First Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): just getting to the theater presents difficulties
      1. bad weather
      2. long drive and limited parking space
      3. long waiting to buy ticket
    2. Second Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): facing the problems of the theater itself
      1. old theater's problems such as smelly carpet, worn-out seat, etc
      2. new theater's problems such as smaller size, noise from next movie theater, etc
      3. both floors will be rubber-like dirty at the end of the movie
    1. Third Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): Some of the patrons are annoying
      1. bad behavior such as running, talking loud, etc
      2. human noise and disturbance
  1. Conclusion
    1. Closing statement
    2. Restate thesis: I prefer to watch movies at home where it is comfortable, clean and safe.