2. Modals
3. Future: "will+V"; " to be going to +V"; Present Continuous for Future
4. Passive: Past Passive; Present Perfect Passive
5. Prepositions of location and time
6. Warnings ; Instructions
7. Present Perfect vs Past Simple
8. Connecting words (neither / nor / both ....)
9. Past Perfect; Past Continuous
10. Conditionals: 0, 1, 2, 3
11. Cause and Result; Gerund / Infinitives (V+V+ing; V+to+V; V+O+V)
12. Phrasal verbs (switch of, sort out ....)
13. Linking sentences: because, although, however ....
14. Relative clause (who/which/that...)
15. Time clause (when/while....)
Та нарын саналаар түрүүлсэн 3-5 нь CD дээр бичиж хураалгаж сургуулийн тэмцээнд орно
1. B1U1 - Саранчимэг, Хонгорзул (Present Simple VS Past Simple "used to")
1. Present Simple; Past Simple "used to"2. Modals
3. Future: "will+V"; " to be going to +V"; Present Continuous for Future
4. Passive: Past Passive; Present Perfect Passive
5. Prepositions of location and time
6. Warnings ; Instructions
7. Present Perfect vs Past Simple
8. Connecting words (neither / nor / both ....)
9. Past Perfect; Past Continuous
10. Conditionals: 0, 1, 2, 3
11. Cause and Result; Gerund / Infinitives (V+V+ing; V+to+V; V+O+V)
12. Phrasal verbs (switch of, sort out ....)
13. Linking sentences: because, although, however ....
14. Relative clause (who/which/that...)
15. Time clause (when/while....)
Та нарын саналаар түрүүлсэн 3-5 нь CD дээр бичиж хураалгаж сургуулийн тэмцээнд орно
2. B1U2 - Наранбаатар, Отгончулуу (Future tenses)
3. B1U3 - Урангоо, Гүнсэнпил (Modals)
4. B1U4 - Цэцгээ, Бямбаханд (Passive)
5. B1U5 - Д.Цэнд-Аюуш, Мөнхжаргал (Prepositions of location and time)
6. B1U6 - Батдагина, Дашдорж (Phrasal verbs)
7. B1U7 - С.Ариунболд, Батсайхан,
8. B1U8 - Отгонбаяр, Золзаяа
9. B1U9 - Гариг, Дамдиндорж
10.B1U10- Баярбат, Гантуул
11.B1U11- Цэдэндамба, Жигжид
12.B1U12- Далайсүлд, Батмөнх
13.B2U1 - Сумаадагва, Б.Цэнд-Аюуш (time clause)
- http://smrtenglish.com/spdoyimtdi.html/lesson/2711
- http://www.englishlessonsbrighton.co.uk/time-clauses-explanation-rules-exercise/
- http://www.e-grammar.org/time-clauses/
14.B2U2 - Гантуяа, Баярчимэг (relative clause)
- https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/relative-clauses
15.B2U3 - Д.Мэндбаяр, Халиунаа (linking words)
- http://library.bcu.ac.uk/learner/writingguides/1.33.htm
- https://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/lsu/content/4_writingskills/writing_tuts/linking_LL/linking3.html
- http://www.smart-words.org/linking-words/transition-words.html
- http://www.english-at-home.com/grammar/linking-words/
16.B2U4 - Лхагвачулуун, Ганбаяр (phrasal verbs)
- http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/phrasals.htm
- http://www.learn-english-today.com/phrasal-verbs/phrasal-verb-list.htm
- https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/phrasal-verbs
- http://www.gingersoftware.com/content/grammar-rules/verbs/phrasal-verbs/
- http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/phrasals.htm
- http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/phrasal-verbs/
17.B2U5 - Хулан, Цогзолмаа (cause and result clause)
- http://inmadom-myenglishclass.blogspot.com/2011/05/connectors-showing-cause-and-result.html
18.B2U6 - Пүрэв-Очир, Батчимэг (gerund and infinitives)
- http://www.gingersoftware.com/content/grammar-rules/verbs/gerunds-and-infinitives/
- http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/gerunds-and-infinitives.html
19.B2U7 - Мөнхзул, Янжинлхам (conditionals 0, 1)
- http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/conditionals.html
- http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/conditional/
20.B2U8 - Буяннэмэх, Ганзул (Conditionals 3,4)
- http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/conditionals.html
- http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/conditional/
21.B1U3 - Ёндоншарав (future tenses)
- https://www.tesol-direct.com/guide-to-english-grammar/future-tenses
- http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/rules/future.htm
- http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar/future_contrasted.htm
22.B3U11-Мягмар, Лхагва-Очир (past tenses)
- https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/verbs/past-tense
- http://www.grammar.cl/english/past-tense.htm
- http://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/past_tense.htm
- http://linguapress.com/grammar/past-tenses.htm
22.B1U13-Гантулга, Төгөлдөр (present tenses)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Present_tense
- http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/verbs/present-tense
- http://www.englishtenses.com/present_tenses
- http://linguapress.com/grammar/present-tense.htm
- http://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/present_tense.htm
24.B2U9 - Даваадулам, Оюунбаяр
25.B2U10- Х.Уянга, Нямсамбуу
26.B2U11- Пагамзаяа, Ариунбуян
27.B2U12- Амгалан, Түмэнжаргалан
28.B3U1 - Пүрэвбат, Хүдэрбаатар
29.B3U2 - Хайрат, Агваанхайдав
30.B3U3 - Баатархүү, Буянбадрах
31.B3U4 - Уранчимэг, Амбасэлмаа
32.B3U5 - Э.Төрмөнх, Б.Баасансүрэн
33.B1U14-Ч.Уянга, Амгаланзаяа
35.B3U11-Энхцогт, Мягмарсүрэн
36.B3U6 - Сувдаа, Басанбаяр
37.B3U7 - Билгүүн, Харцага
B3U8 - Нямгэрэл, Х.Мөнхтөр
B3U9 - Урангэрэл, Шийрэв
B3U10-Цогтбуян, Долгормаа
B3U11-Бат-Эрдэнэ, Намуулин
B3U12-Ган-Эрдэнэ, Гаукар
B1U13-Ариунзул, Алтантуяа
B1U14-Дондог, Мэндбаяр
B1U15-Ихмөрөн, Чингэл
B1U15 - Түвшинтулга, Галбадрах
B2U13 - Дөлгөөн, Санчир
B2U14 - Х.Төрмөнх, Лхагвадорж
B2U15 - Балжинням, Даваасүрэн
B3U13 - Н.Ариунболд, Дэлгэрбат
B3U14 - Эрболд, Цэнд-Очир
B3U15 - Бямба-Очир, Дашдулам
B1U13 - Айжан, Дуламсүрэн
B1U14 - Бат-Оргил, Сумьяабат
B1U15 - Б.Баасансүрэн, Сосорбарам
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