A) Presentation - SPEAKING 14/III
* What - problem? Why - this problem needs to be solved? HOW to solve? )
* Powerpoint - 18 < slides / Presentaion topics for teams
B) 5HW:
1) CBQuizzes / "Individual work for ICT students"
2) Essays in your blogs & A4 paper - WRITING
*5+5+5+1 QA90=16 topics= 220 -250 words / 3-5 paragraphs
3) Translations in your notebooks (Ex 5) = 45 units: - READING
4) New words* in your notebooks & your BLOGs = 45 units (excel file)
5) Conversations (Ex 7) = 15+15+15 units - LEARN BY HEART! - LISTENING
6. Word puzzle Book 1 10/III
7) WMM - 1 Unit - 1 topic * 4-7 minutes long / * 100 mb > big - video project (ppt) 28/III
C). Attendance = ИРЦ : хичээл + лекцүүд ( 8 abs = W / 4 late = 1 abs )
+ Test 1 (Book 1. Units 1-15) = 10 points 7th week WEB!
Test 2 (Book 2. Units 1-15) = 15 points 13th week WEB!
*Additional work : PPT grammar exercises (T's blog) - GRAMMAR
EL210 сурах бичиг татаж аваарай.