Sunday, February 28, 2016

Essay II ; III - 12/III

ESSAY 3  - "What is a good website? How to develop a good website?
   220-250 words / 5 paragraphs 

ESSAY 2  - "What is a network? How networks work
   220-250 words / 5 paragraphs

Write naturally!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Teacher's points

Teacher's points 45  + 25 (tests) + final exam 30 = 100
A) Presentation  - SPEAKING                                     14/III                 
         * What  - problem?  Why - this problem needs to be solved?  HOW to solve? )
         * Powerpoint - 18 < slides   / Presentaion topics for teams


B) 5HW: 
1) CBQuizzes / "Individual work for ICT students"

2) Essays  in your blogs & A4 paper     - WRITING
          *5+5+5+1 QA90=16 topics= 220 -250 words / 3-5 paragraphs

3) Translations in your notebooks (Ex 5) = 45 units:  - READING
4) New words* in your notebooks & your BLOGs = 45 units (excel file)  
5) Conversations (Ex 7) = 15+15+15 units - LEARN BY HEART!  - LISTENING 
 6.  Word puzzle   Book 1   10/III

7)  WMM - 1 Unit - 1 topic   * 4-7 minutes  long   /   * 100 mb >  big    - video project (ppt)  28/III
C). Attendance = ИРЦ : хичээл + лекцүүд ( 8 abs  = W  /  4 late  =  1 abs )  

 +   Test 1 (Book 1. Units 1-15)   = 10 points    7th week       WEB!
         Test 2 (Book 2. Units 1-15)   = 15 points    13th week      WEB!

 *Additional work PPT grammar exercises   (T's blog)  - GRAMMAR

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


41 blogs  (73 students)  
49 blogs = 20/III - 70 students (3w)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Opinion, attitude & belief (Алдааг зас)

Grammar 4

Opinion, attitude & belief
The words in italics in the following sentences are all used to talk about opinion and belief.
However, the words are grammatically incorrect (for example, a noun has been used instead
of an adjective, or a verb has been used instead of a noun, etc.), or sometimes a noun has
been used which has the wrong meaning. Put the words into their correct form.

1. In my opinionated, technology is moving too quickly.
2. As far as I am concerning, happiness is more important than money.
3. Scientists are convincingly that human degradation of the environment is causing thousands of
species to become extinct.
4. The government are regardless the Third World debt as a major barrier to global economic
5. Hundreds of people called the television station to register their disapprove of the presenter’s
6. She maintenance that most young people would rather work than go to school.
7. Do you reckoning that there will be an election in the next two years?
8. We strongly suspicion that the proposal to develop the computer facilities will not go ahead.
9. I doubtful that the new government will keep all its promises.
10. Do you disapproval of smoking?
11. I take strong except to people coming late or cancelling appointments at short notice.
12. A lot of people are fanatic about sport in general and football in particular.
13. British health inspectors are obsession about cleanliness in restaurant kitchens.
14. After years of struggle, the moderations have gained control of the party.
15. He has very conservatism views and disapproves of change.
16. The government are commitment to the struggle to end institutional racism in the police force.
17. She was dedication to her family and would do anything to protect them.
18. They come from a strongly tradition family who still believe in arranged marriages.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Presenting an argument (Зөв дараалалд оруул)

Grammar 3

Presenting an argument
Read the text below, in which somebody is trying to decide whether to go straight to
university from school, or spend a year travelling around the world. Put their argument into
the correct order, using the key words and expressions in italics to help you. The first one and
last one have been done for you.

A (1) I’m really in two minds about what to do when I leave school. Should I go straight to university
or should I spend a year travelling around the world?

B. It is often said that knowledge is the key to power, and I cannot disagree with this.

C. On the one hand, I would experience lots of different cultures.

D. Unfortunately, another point is that if I spent a year travelling I would need a lot of money.

E. And I’m not alone in this opinion. Many consider a sound career and a good salary to be an
important goal.

F. However, it could be argued that I would also meet lots of interesting people while I was

G. Secondly, if I go straight to university, I’ll learn so many things that will help me in my future life.

H. First of all, there are so many benefits of going straight to university.

I. But I believe that it would be easy to make a bit while I was travelling, giving English lessons or
working in hotels and shops.

J. Moreover, I’ll be able to take part in the social activities that the university offers, and meet lots
of new friends who share the same interests.

K. The most important point is that the sooner I get my qualifications, the quicker I’ll get a job and
start earning.

L. Nevertheless, these inconveniences would be an inevitable part of travelling and would be
greatly outweighed by the other advantages.

M. In my opinion, starting work and making money is one of the most important things in life.

N. On the other hand, I could end up suffering from culture shock, homesickness and some strange
tropical diseases.

O. Furthermore, if I spent a year travelling, I would learn more about the world.

P. (16) All right, I’ve made my mind up. Now, where’s my nearest travel agency?


Monday, February 8, 2016

Essay I - 20/II

ESSAY 1  - "What is a computer?" 
   220-250 words / 5 paragraphs

What is computing?

What is ICT?

Write naturally!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Book & HW

Have your own blog:
- get gmail address
- start your blog
- let your teacher know 
your blog address
- your first post - B1U1-3NW